News in Brief

Vietnam urges people to download Bluezone app



Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has urged citizens to download Bluezone, a government-commissioned app that utilizes low energy Bluetooth to accurately identify recent nCoV contacts. It assists authorities in tracking recent cases, VTV has reported.

When someone with the app tests positive for coronavirus, their number and information is sent to the Ministry of Health. Immediately, others who have installed Bluezone and have had direct contact with an infected person in the last 14 days will be notified: “You’re classified as F1…”

The app can recognize other users up to a two-meter distance. It claims to be secure, not collecting any user data, and ensures users’ confidentiality, the report said.

It’s available on the app store as well as the government’s website

As the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic proves to be more complex than the last, the government promotes the importance of using Bluezone. However, it can only be effective when at least 60% of phone users in Vietnam – or 45-50 million people – download the app. 

Up to now, Bluezone has had 15 million downloads, increasing by 14.8 millions in just over two weeks since July 25.

Today was the second morning Vietnam recorded no new Covid-19 cases. Last night, the Ministry of Health declared the nation’s 15th nCov-related death.

The virus has infected 333,300 people in Southeast Asia, and over 20 million people worldwide.

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