Halloween on Tour



Hanoi’s finest creatures of the night Escape the realm of the living and descend into the underworld for this year’s demonic dance of the dead with a twist.

Calling all freaks and the unwanted, the tortured and torn, the devils and deviants to free your inner fiends and indulge in this diabolical celebration at three already familiar venues that going to be transformed into the graveyards to remember.

Let us begin the evening of torture in the comforting haunted walls of Hanoi’s finest rooftop, Kobala Bar Events Rooftop. Two naughty Irish ghosts Mr. Devitt and Steve Obi Music will be dropping soul beats “ghost back” to “ghost back” until the clock hits midnight.

Descend into the darkest Labyrinths to the haunted cemetery underworld of The Birdcage. Revealing three voodoo masters that will play you like a doll with the sharpest tunes till the sun will allow the warlocks to perform their witchcraft.

All the well known warlocks to Hanoi will then project magic spells at The SPOT – Pool & Leisure, that resurrect dead to living with a sip of magic water and a rhythm to step too.


To gain your free entrance to this evening of three ceremonies you must first make your way to Kobala Bar Events Rooftop to receive your first coupon. This will guarantee entrance to our second venue The Birdcage where you will be given a second coupon that will get you through the gates to a full day of swimming pool, great food and music.

Otherwise for drop-ins we will have following entrance:
The Birdcage – 150K
The Spot – 100K


___LINE UP____


9PM – 12A.M. – Mr. Devitt b2b Steve Obi Music


11:00 P.M. – 01:30 A.M – Patrick S PS

01:30 A.M. – 03:30 A.M – Nayla

03:30 A.M. – 5:30 A.M – Sen10za


06:00 A.M – 09:00 A.M – Te Ruu

09:00 A.M – 11:00 A.M – SUNNE b2b Dominic

11:00 A.M – 01:00 P.M – Kentaro Kmg

01:00 P.M – 03:00 P.M – ToK

03:00 P.M – 05:00 P.M – Dj Flakes

To gain your free entrance to this evening of three ceremonies you must first make your way to Kobala Bar Events Rooftop to receive your first coupon. This will guarantee entrance to our second venue – The Birdcage, where you will be given a second coupon that will get you through the gates to a full day of swimming pool, great food and music at The SPOT – Pool & Leisure


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