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Defused Mood - DnB 2020 Relaunch

01jan1:00 am1:00 amDefused Mood - DnB 2020 Relaunch@Birdcage [Tay Ho]

Event Details

Friday 5th June

We’re back.. 2019 be brought you:
The Upbeats, DLR, Benny Page, Deekline, Sub Zero, Data 3 & Amoss it’s now time to showcase Hanoi’s top underground talent in our biggest DnB event yet!

We’re going to be packing the original venue for a dark and dirty rinseout with Hanoi finest underground selecta’s and MC’s spittin’ fire and droppin’ Drum & Bass all night!

DJ Line Up

Dmuv (DnB Debut)
Kivi (Dubplate Exclusive Set)
Miss Maehem

Hosted by Nook & Integ

50K Entry Before 11.30PM
11.00PM – 05.00AM



January 1, 1970 1:00 am - 1:00 am(GMT+00:00)