Nestled in the heart of Vietnam’s bustling capital, the Hanoi International Fellowship (HIF) stands as a testament to the power of faith and community in the...
Time and time again you will hear the same stories from women throughout the capital, successful dating seems almost impossible here
A group of Hanoi residents have started a community organization to help people feel safer on the city’s streets, after a string of sexual attacks were...
A small but dedicated team of volunteers set out to save abandoned animals across Hanoi
Hanoi is to get its own fun, easy-to-play board game
Just a 40 minute drive from the hearts of Hanoi, Soc Son is a truly spectacular weekend escape
A US diplomat's Tet rap video caused a mix of smiles and raised eyebrows the world over
Foreigners in Hanoi often ponder 'cultural differences,' but we have more in common that what separates us, writes Timothy R. Trebilcock