A group named “Viet Dynasty” (Trieu Dai Viet) has been classified as a terrorist organization by the Vietnamese government. The group’s incendiary motto “Burn all, Kill...
Hanoi Traffic Police Department will deploy immediate fines for parking violations by sticking fines on vehicle windows to reduce traffic jams ahead of the upcoming holiday...
The Director of Traffic Police Department Nguyen Van Trung has announced the application of technology to sanction violations, minimizing functional traffic police working on the country’s...
Vietnam’s traffic police department views its officers as the ‘frontline,’ often the first in contact with the public, and are accordingly making moves to ensure those...
Local authorities issued a temporary arrest warrant for Hanoi City Chairman Nguyen Duc Chung for alleged misconduct regarding state information, among other crimes, VN Express has...
Three men in northern Vietnam were found not wearing face masks last week and so did 30 push-ups to prove their health to traffic police, Vn...